Oct 12th

     Today's lunch I'll call "Desperation", lol. NOT what I had planned to pack, but I didn't get to go grocery shopping yesterday! Hubby got swamped at work and wasn't able to transfer money until it was too late for me to go grocery shopping by myself, ALONE!! Since I check the grocery and dept store sales flyers, I usually shop at more than one store and it's NO FUN dragging four (or any!) kids along! So anyways, I HAD to pack them something because I was told, by all 4 no less, that today's school lunch was "yucky" - Turkey and Cheese Sandwich, Jicama sticks, carrot sticks, and pineapple. Well, none of my kids will eat jicama, we tried it several times, it's a no go and I'm not to crazy about it either. Ella, who is my candy junkie, will not eat pineapple, go figure! And none of my kids like white bread, rolls or buns - yeah! Ok, so I need to pack a lunch and I'm SO not a morning person!! But, this is what I came up with:
     Chicken fries, peas, go-gurt, and fruit snacks. (The go-gurt was frozen because some little people ate all the ones in the fridge, but forgot to tell mom! Hopefully it'll be thawed out by lunch time, lol)
     I also was out of something to pack for their snack at school, so today they got a Zone bar.  Thankfully, hubby works at Abbott, so we get them by the case. They're good for that quick pick me up before/after a game, a quickie breakfast, or for snack time! The kids were cheering that they got Zone bars for a snack!
     Ok, now I can grocery shopping. I wish Target had Annie's Snacks on sale again. The last time, I bought a bunch and they are my kids fave. They are a little pricey, which is why I wait for a sale. Seems the "healthy" stuff doesn't go on sale that much!! Well, ta ta for now!!

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